

In a big community-based church like the Coast Community Church, lots of different people have responsibility for different activities. We have a group of Elders who prayerfully seek to guide our church in its affairs and a number of Deacons, who carry out the tasks allocated to them by the elders. There are also ministry groups that help take care of the day-to-day activities of the church.

Our elders:

Mike (& Jodie) Lockyer

Mike (& Jodie) Lockyer

Bruce (& Esther) Middleton

Bruce (& Esther) Middleton

Neil (& Anita) Williams

Neil (& Anita) Williams

Our deacons:

Jenni Parkinson (Chairperson)

Jenni Parkinson (Chairperson)

Helen Rolston

Helen Rolston

Haydin Ward

Haydin Ward

Lloyd Dacombe

Lloyd Dacombe

Campbell MacKenzie

Campbell MacKenzie

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